Monday 14th November


Well, I was right about the beef: up all night fighting (and losing) a rebellion.

A few km north of Ix., after a couple of emergency visits to the bushes, we stopped to enjoy a huge colony of Agave difformis; it’s variably wiggly rosettes covering vast tracts of ground. 


Pushing on we spent most of the day going up, down, around and about precipitous mountain passes looking at all sorts of weedy stuff including a particularly fine eryngium with exceptionally long peduncle bracts and a fairly unremarkable Manfreda sp (now more properly included in agave) flowering away at the top of a cliff.  


Also stumbled across another magnificent form of Agave salmiana, again really squat and dense, but different to ‘Otomi’


Entered an area called the Parque Nacionale Los Marmoles, where we encountered Dasylirion glaucophyllum growing out of rock faces on our way to our next overnight stop at Zimapan.  A really lively, colourful place.


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