Saturday 19th November


Stopped for a while to take a closer look at plants in the garden at the La Florida cabanas.  Of particular note was a HUGE agave – looked like an americana but bigger.


Then we drove towards the mountain town of Miquihuana (Mik-ee-wah-na) to renew our acquaintance with Agave montana.  We stopped several times along the way to look at all sorts – Dasylirion miquihuanensis comes from this region and is, I think, the most beautiful of the dasylirions I have seen. 


Also a hillside full of what looked like Brahea hybrids – they seemed too robust to be pure decumbens.


Plus the ubiquitous Dasylirion quadrangulatum, which we saw growing at over 2600m, some 600m higher than texts suggest.


In the mountains, around 3000m altitude, we said ‘Hi’ to our old friends from last year, Agave montana and Nolina ‘La Siberica’, then carried on around the other side of the mountain. 


Here, tipped off by Rich, we found a whole hillside of thousands of these spectacular nolinas - another plant that demands to be introduced into cultivation in the UK.  



Failing light prompted our return to Jaumave, where we stayed the night.

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